Thursday, 15 October 2015

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Console Commands

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Console Commands)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Energy and Power

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Energy and Power)
(official link, though)

Friday, 9 October 2015

Test of Ordered List

Just another test post, this time to see if I can make an Ordered List where the numbers are in boldface.

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Multiplayer

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Multiplayer)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Goal Check List

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Goal Check List)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Advice 1

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Advice 1)
(official link, though)

Monday, 5 October 2015

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Common Problems

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Common Problems)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Game Interface

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Game Interface)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: Stability & Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Stability & Requirements)
(official link, though)

UnOff. Factorio FAQ: About the Game

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: About the Game)
(official link, though)

Factorio UnOff. FAQ: Index

Frequently Asked Questions
for the computer game
(UnOfficial FAQ: Index)
(official link, though)

This is an index post of my UnOfficial FAQ for Factorio, containing links to sub-posts each with their own topic.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Random layout stuff...

... that I use fairly often in my blogs, but (the early ones, anyway, the ones with superscript and subscript) are annoyingly labour-intensive to use in Blogspot. I'm lazy, so I prefer to do the work once, then copy/paste from it.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Factorio UnOfficial FAQ

The previously long-ass Factorio UnOfficial FAQ has now been split up into multiple blog posts, all linked-to from an index.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Using this blog to test some stuff

I've now started using this particular blog to test some stuff, having to do with layout, Blogspot widgets and so forth.

It's unlikely to be disruptive; if I try something and it causes undesirable results I'll revert it right away, but if it seems to work, or if it fails to work but is non-disruptive, then I may leave it be for weeks or even years, as a kind of long-term test. Do feel free to contact me if there are problems in certain browsers, on particular handheld devices or on those in general, et cetera.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Factorio mods

This is just an index of the mods I use when playing Factorio, whether I play single player or coop MP. I avoid the huge mods, such as DyTech, Bob's Mods, F-Mod and so forth, that are pretty much meant to be used as one's only mod in that they massively change the gameplay experience; instead, I "design" my own Factorio experience by using a carefully selected collection of small- and medium-impact mods.

This post is a work-in-progress; I'll add to it, enhance it in various ways, over the coming weeks (if not months). And of course update it as I add new mods, have new thoughts about existing mods, or retire some of the mods (down to the bottom of this list).

Friday, 28 August 2015

What's THIS blog about?

This blog isn't about anything. As such, I don't really think of it as a blog, per se (because I dislike theme-less personal blogs - or rather I dislike it when people create just one blog which is theme-less and/or personal), but more as a place where I can dump blog'ish texts that don't fit into one of my existing blogs (OdinsDay and the 7D2D fan/server blog) or planned (themed) blogs.

So this is going to be a mixed bag, covering a variety of subjects; for instance I'll almost certainly write a couple of posts about Factorio, one of my favourite computer games but one that doesn't realy warrant a blog of its own. I'm thinking one Unofficial FAQ (since the official one, written by ßilk, has some issues), and one post about the mods I use/like. Likewise, I might make one post about Skyrim mods I use or have used. Stuff like that. A bit here, a bit there. Probably one (or maybe several) blog-within-a-blog article series similar to the Elfland one from OdinsDay. Right now I have an idea for one.

OdinsDay remains my "primary blog", whatever that means. I continue to like thinking about (and doing) worldbuilding, fantasy, science fiction, reading and writing.

This blog was set up quickly (but of course after months of contemplating it), so expect me to fiddle around with layout, themes and colours, for the next several weeks if not months, until I get something I like.
